In What Ways Is My Candidacy For Full Mouth Dental Implants In Yardley, PA Determined?

In What Ways Is My Candidacy For Full Mouth Dental Implants In Yardley, PA Determined?

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Full mouth dental implants are a state-of-the-art full arch tooth replacement option. With full mouth dental implants, patients can maintain a normal diet, speak clearly, and smile confidently. For those who want to get treated with full mouth dental implants, but don’t know if they are a candidate for them, they should go to a skilled and trusted doctor’s office to get their candidacy for full mouth dental implants in Yardley, PA determined.

Curious to learn more about what makes people candidates for full mouth dental implants?  Continue reading to learn in more detail about what makes people candidates for this quality full mouth tooth replacement option.

How Is My Candidacy For Full Mouth Dental Implants In Yardley, PA Determined?

People’s candidacy for full mouth dental implants are determined by numerous conditions. When people, for instance, have lost a number of teeth due to dental injuries or tooth decay, they may be a candidate for full moth dental implants. Full mouth dental implant candidates may also be those who have advanced gum disease.

Candidacy for full mouth dental implants, however, is best determined with a dental exam and assessment. During the pre-operative full mouth dental implant assessment, the quality doctor will examine the patients mouth visually and through the use of advanced technologies.

The specific advanced technologies that can be used to determined people’s candidacy for full mouth dental implants, are Cone Beam 3D X-rays (CBCT) and 3D digital impressions. These dental technologies can be used by the doctor to fully evaluate the relationship between the patient’s jawbone, teeth, tissues, and nerves, in order to determine if there is enough gum tissue and jawbone density and health to support the full mouth dental implants.

How Do Full Mouth Dental Implants Benefit My Smile?

Once people have become a candidate for and have been treated with full mouth dental implants, it can benefit their smile in numerous ways. The following are the specific ways full mouth dental implants can benefit people’s smiles:

  • Gives patients an unrestricted diet
  • Patients have a natural looking and beautiful new smile
  • Can be cared for like natural teeth
  • They are securely placed in the patients mouth so they don’t fall out
  • Don’t need to be removed to eat or sleep
  • Helps prevent future jawbone density loss
  • With proper care and maintenance, can last a lifetime


See Us Now So We Can Determine Your Candidacy For Full Mouth Dental Implants

Are you unsure about whether or not you are a candidate for full mouth dental implants? Then you have come to the right place. Our dedicated office uses the latest techniques and technologies to determine your candidacy for full mouth dental implants.

Don’t hesitate on improving your smile with us. Get in contact with Dr. David Faust, Dr. Kris Scholl, Dr. Aimee Dehbozorgi, Dr. Yahan Derby, and our exceptional team at our Bucks County Smiles office to schedule an appointment today!

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